The 7 Best Sources of Magnesium – Food, Supplements

Did you know that magnesium is the fourth most common mineral in our bodies, no matter our BMI? – It has numerous important roles both in the body and the brain (more than 600!).[1]

Around 60 percent of it is in our bones and the remaining is in the soft tissues, fluids, and muscles.

By reading our guide, you’ll learn these essential things:

  • The best sources of magnesium
  • Which foods are rich in magnesium
  • Which magnesium supplements are the best

It’s a mineral that’s found in the sea, plants, earth, humans, and animals too.

Knowing its importance for our overall health, we need to make sure we’re getting it in proper amounts and from the right sources.

The amount you need on the daily depends on your age and sex and you can get it through numerous foods, including fortified ones and supplements. [2]

By following a balanced and nutritious diet, most people will be able to meet the RDA of magnesium and won’t need any additional means like supplements.

Fortified foods and supplements may be recommended in case of a deficiency or when a person’s diet doesn’t contain some of the things that contain this vital mineral.

Come on; let’s check out the best ways to get magnesium!

The Best Sources of Magnesium, Food & Supplements

1. Avocados

Avocados are nutritious and tasty magnesium source. A medium-sized avocado will give you 58 mg of magnesium or 15 percent of the RDI. [3]

But, they’re also abundant in other important nutrients, including vitamins K and B and potassium.

Plus, they’re rich in heart-healthy good fat that’s good for people with higher BMI who may need to shed pounds.

  • Rich in magnesium
  • Abundant in other nutrient
  • It can lower inflammation

You can also eat them to meet your fiber needs- 13 of its 17 grams of carbs are from fiber!

This fruit has so many health benefits for you like lowered inflammation, improved cholesterol, and satiety.

You can easily add it to your diet because it’s so easy to combine with other foods- for example, in salads, smoothies, spread it on bread, make dips with it, etc.

2. Dark chocolate

Delicious and healthy, dark chocolate is another awesome source of magnesium.

It will provide you with 64 mg of this mineral per an ounce or 16 percent of the recommended daily amount. [4]

It will also nourish your body with other nutrients like copper, manganese, and iron, as well as prebiotic fiber which is good for maintaining the healthy gut bacteria.

  • Dark chocolate is rich in magnesium
  • It will keep your heart healthy
  • Reduces bad cholesterol

This chocolate is also good for a healthy heart thanks to the flavanols in it- potent antioxidants that avert the bad cholesterol from sticking onto the arterial cells.

The best dark chocolate is one with at least 70 percent cocoa solids- the higher than this percentage, the better.

It makes a great snack for people with a higher BMI who’re trying to lose weight!

3. Legumes

Legumes are several nutrient-rich plants including beans, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans, and peas and are awesome for people with different BMI.

They’re a good source of various nutrients, including magnesium. One cup of cooked black beans will supply you with 120 mg of this nutrient or 30 percent of the RDI. [5]

Legumes are also an important source of protein for vegetarians and they’re also rich in iron and potassium.

  • Legumes are rich in various nutrients
  • Great way to boost your magnesium levels
  • Amazing protein source for vegetarians

Being high in fiber and having a low GI, they may help reduce the bad cholesterol, level out the blood sugar, and lower the chances of heart disease.

Another wonderful thing about legumes is their versatility of preparation and combination.

For example, you can mix them with other foods like meat or plants, add them to soups, make stews with them, bake them, roast them with morning eggs, and more.

4. Whole grains

Grains or barley, oats, and wheat, as well as the pseudo cereals like quinoa and buckwheat, are a great source of magnesium.

They will also nourish your body with other important nutrients that are vital for optimal health. Some of these are selenium, manganese, fiber, and B vitamins.

  • Whole grains are rich in magnesium
  • Pseudo cereals are great for gluten sensitive people
  • Reduce inflammation

If you eat an ounce of dry buckwheat, you get 65 mg of magnesium or 16 percent of the RDI.[6]

Some studies have found whole grains able to lower inflammation and minimize the chance for heart illness. Buckwheat and quinoa have higher amounts of protein and antioxidants than wheat and corn.

What’s more, they’re free of gluten which is beneficial for people with gluten sensitivity or with celiac disease.

5. Bananas

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world and are the best source of potassium- a crucial nutrient for balanced blood pressure and minimized risk of heart illness.

But, they also have magnesium- a big banana will give you 37 mg of this mineral or 9 percent of the RDI. [7]

They’re also good for acquiring vitamins B6 and C, fiber, and manganese.

  • Healthy source of magnesium
  • Unripe bananas contain less sugar
  • Easily added to any diet

But, people with diabetes and those with higher BMI should avoid the ripe ones as they’re more abundant in sugar and carbs than most other fruits.

Opt for the unripe ones that contain resistant starch that has been found to decrease the blood sugar, inflammation and boost the gut health.

6. Leafy greens

Leafy greens are very healthy and a lot of them are rich in magnesium.

The ones with the most magnesium are spinach, collard greens, kale, mustard greens, and turnip greens. [8]

  • Rich in numerous nutrients
  • Healthy source of magnesium
  • Good for shedding pounds

In a cup of cooked spinach, you get 157 mg of magnesium which is 39 percent of the RDI. And, that’s not all you get from these veggies- they’re rich in manganese, vitamins A, C, and K, and iron.

They’re an excellent choice for a fresh salad, but you can also use them to make stir-fries, stews, smoothies, juices, etc.

Moreover, they’re an excellent choice for people with higher BMI who may need to shed pounds-they’re low on calories and carbs and abundant in fiber.

7. Supplements

A supplement may be necessary in case of a deficiency or if you’re struggling to get it from food.

Supplementation with magnesium has been associated with certain health advantages, including improved blood pressure and mood, balanced blood sugar, and lowered risk of heart illness. [9]

  • Supplements are a source of magnesium
  • The dosage depends on the individual
  • Various types are available

However, though they’re generally safe, it’s important to consult your physician prior to taking them, especially if you’re dealing with some health problem.

Depending on the brand, the recommended dosage of these supplements is between 200 and 400 mg on a daily basis. Deficient individuals may even need a higher dosage if their physician advises so.

They’re available in different forms, with some being better absorbed by the body than others. The three most common are magnesium citrate, lactate, and aspartate.

Final Thoughts

With the right sources of magnesium, you can meet your magnesium levels naturally.

By adding the foods we talked about and quality supplements if your physician recommends, you can optimize your overall health.

You can also reap some other health benefits these food sources and supplements have to offer, which is great!


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