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8 Signs of Fatty Liver Disease: Watch Out

Admit it, you like to drink. Whether it’s celebrating your birthday or someone else’s, promotion, or whatever success in life, alcohol will always be present. In fact, 86.3 percent of Americans 18 years old and above drank alcohol at one…

10 Early Signs & Symptoms of Arthritis

You heard about it from your grandparents. At times, you hear your mom complain about joint pains. Does this mean you are a candidate of arthritis, too? Possibly. According to the CDC, an estimated 54.4 million Americans have…

Listed: 12 Fattest Countries in The World

Did you know that the number of obese people in the world has multiplied by three in the last 40 years? It is estimated that over 2 billion men and women in the world are overweight and around 700 million of them are obese. Yet, if we take…

Listed: 8 Fattest Countries in Europe

Are you aware of the fact that over half of the adults in Europe are overweight and millions of them are obese? Even though the number of obese and overweight men is higher, there’s no drastic difference between genders. But, these rates…