The 7 Best Sources of Potassium – Food, Supplements

Potassium is a mineral which is present in a lot of the foods we eat and it also plays the role of an electrolyte. [1]

Electrolytes conduct the electrical impulses in our body and help in numerous bodily functions like maintaining the blood pressure steady, ensuring proper muscle contraction, and normalizing the water balance. [2]

Our guide will help you learn:

  • The best source of potassium
  • How to reach your daily RDA of this mineral
  • Why potassium matters for optimal health

But, no matter our BMI, our body can’t produce it on its own so we need to get sufficient amounts of it through the appropriate balance of foods and supplements. Most individuals are able to meet their daily needs by following a healthy and versatile diet.

Both too little and too much potassium intake can lead to severe health problems. [3] When a person has low levels of it, your physician may prescribe supplements. For more serious deficiencies, IV treatments may be needed too.

Knowing the importance of potassium and its role in keeping us healthy, we have to ensure we’re meeting the RDA.

To that extent, check out the best sources of potassium, including foods and supplements below.

The Best Sources of Potassium-Food & Supplements

 1. Bananas

Most people, when they think of potassium, they associate it with bananas. And, indeed, bananas are high in this pivotal mineral.

A medium-sized banana will supply you with 422 mg or 12 percent of the RDA. [4] It’s a delicious fruit which is rich in other pivotal nutrients like manganese, vitamins B6 and C, antioxidants, fiber, and magnesium.

  • Bananas are a great source of potassium
  • Rich in other valuable nutrients
  • Good for weight loss

The greener ones are lower in sugar and rich in resistant starch and may be beneficial for controlling blood sugar and boosting gut health. On the other hand, the riper ones are higher in sugar.

Thanks to their convenient and natural ‘packaging’, they’re one of the best ways to get your potassium when you’re on the go.

Plus, they’re a great addition to your diet in case you have a higher BMI and are looking to lose weight. [5]

2. Sweet potatoes

Nowadays, sweet potatoes are increasingly popular, especially as an alternative to regular potatoes.

Moreover, they’re a nutritious way to boost your intake of potassium. A medium-sized sweet potato has 541 mg or 12 percent of the RDA. [6]

  • Sweet potatoes are an awesome potassium source
  • Great for dieters
  • Low in fat & abundant in fiber

What’s more, this veggie is low in fat, has some protein, and it’s rich in fiber and complex carbs. They also have vitamin A.

You can add them to your diet very easy-they’re a great combo with beans or meat and dark greens.

Being rich in nutrients, they can also be of aid in maintaining your health as you’re shedding pounds.

Having a low GI makes them great for people with a higher BMI-they won’t instantly spike up your sugar levels.

You can enjoy them in numerous ways, including steamed, baked, boiled or roasted. Feel free to add it to yogurt and salads-it’s delicious!

3.  White beans

Both beans and lentils are a recommendable source of potassium. White beans are amongst the best-with impressive 829 mg of it in a cup or 18 percent of the RDA. [7]

Plus, they will supply you with a decent amount of other nutrients like iron, magnesium, manganese, and thiamine.

  • Delicious & rich in nutrients
  • Healthy source of potassium
  • Versatile in terms of prep

They’re also high in fiber and plant-based protein, which is beneficial for vegans and vegetarians.

Thanks to their abundance in antioxidants and fiber, they’re a useful tool for reduction of inflammation, better colon health, and lowered risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

White beans can be a smart diet addition if you have a higher BMI and want to lose weight. [8] This is thanks to the resistant starch they contain which is a healthy carb known to boost the metabolism.

You can prep them in multiple ways-from boiled to stir-fried, there are plenty of options and all of them are equally yummy.

4. Spinach

This green veggie is one of the most nutrient-rich veggies in the world.

A cup of frozen spinach has 540 mg of potassium or 12 percent of the RDA for this mineral. A cup of raw spinach has even more-558 mg of it. [9]

But, this isn’t all this delicious vegetable has to offer- it’s packed in other essential nutrients like vitamins A and K, magnesium, and folate.

  • Spinach is a healthy source of potassium
  • Will supply you with other beneficial nutrients
  • Numerous ways to prep it

It’s quite the versatile food, without doubt. For example, you can eat it raw in salads, add it in your morning omelette, bake it with rice and meat, and mix it in smoothies.

Being low in calories, it can also be beneficial for people with a higher BMI looking to shed pounds. [10]

Plus, its insoluble fiber will prolong your satiety and your body won’t absorb the calories. Of course, there’s also the weight loss-friendly fiber.

5. Avocados

Extremely popular and healthy, avocados are trending for so many good reasons, including the fact that they’re a healthy source of potassium.

They also contain a lot of good fats as well as folate and vitamin K. A 100 gram portion of avocado will provide you with stunning 487 mg of potassium. [11]

  • One of the most popular fruits in the world
  • Good for weight loss
  • Rich in potassium

This fruit is also beneficial for those with hypertension who’re advised to boost their potassium and lower their intake of sodium.

Avocado has this combination. And, research has found that their role in weight loss is pivotal.If you eat them regularly, they can help you maintain the BMI and encourage belly fat loss. [12]

What’s more, they’re so versatile and easy to incorporate in almost any diet.

You can enjoy them raw sprinkled with salt and pepper, stuffed, in omelette and scrambled eggs, use them to make spreads for toast, in guacamole, etc.

6. Beetroots

Beets are a great way to boost your potassium levels. A cup of boiled beets will provide you with 518 mg of potassium or around 11 percent of the RDA. [13] Amazing, right?

Moreover, this veggie has nitrates that convert into nitric oxide in the body and benefit the blood vessel function and the cardiovascular health.

  • Delicious & healthy in the same time
  • Great source of potassium
  • Multiple ways to cook them

This root veggie will provide you with folate. A cup of it supplies you with more than 30 percent of the RDI for this nutrient.

You can consume them fresh in salads or in soups. Or, roast, boil or steam them and cut them to make a salad. Interestingly, they can also be of aid for people looking to drop pounds and are struggling with a higher BMI. [14]

Some of their nutritional properties like being low in calories and high in water make them ideal weight-loss friendly foods.

7. Potassium supplements

Most individuals who follow a healthy diet are able to meet their RDA for potassium naturally, i.e. through foods and drinks.

But, if a person has low levels of it, a doctor may prescribe a diet improvement or adding potassium supplements. They can also be prescribed as a preventive measure.

  • Supplements are another source of this mineral
  • Crucial for treatment of potassium deficiency
  • Come in several forms (tablet, pill, etc.)

This is pivotal as low levels of potassium have been linked with stroke, arthritis, cancer, infertility, and other serious health issues.

Some people may be more prone to this deficiency, especially those who take diuretics or are athletes and are working out and sweating out profusely.

When it comes to the supplements, there are several forms available, including potassium aspartate, potassium chloride, potassium bicarbonate, etc. [15]

Most of these supplements come in 90 to 99 mg dosages and the RDA of potassium is 4,700 mg.

They’re available in tablet or capsule form, as well as powders and liquids, but are less common. For severe deficiencies, your doctor may need to inject you with potassium.

Final Thoughts

Potassium’s importance is often underestimated.

However, a diet rich in potassium offers so many health advantages, including reduction of blood pressure and water retention, lower risk of strokes, and prevention of kidney stones and osteoporosis.

This is one of the most abundant minerals in our body and we need to ensure we’re getting it from the best natural sources like foods and drinks.

Also, in some cases, additional sources like supplements may be necessary.

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