The Solution: “Can´t Lose Weight” Lose Weight” – 10 Effective Ways

Can’t lose weight? If you’ve been trying to drop a few pounds but seem stuck, if can be very discouraging! You may feel like you want to give up – don’t do it quite yet. In this guide, we’re going to talk about ways you can break your weight loss plateau and lower your BMI, including:

  • Why plateaus happen
  • What you can do to jump start your weight loss
  • How you can get losing again if your body just says “no”

Are you ready to get back on track with your weight loss goals? Here’s what to do if it feels like you just can’t lose weight.

1. Take a fat burner

If you feel like you’ve hit a plateau and just can’t lose weight, a fat burner supplement may be all you need to get started again. Fat burners take a few forms, but for the most part they’re going to be metabolic boosters. These supplements will help increase your metabolism and assist you in burning more calories and lowering your BMI for good.

You can find fat burners anywhere you find other weight loss supplements. Your grocery store, pharmacy or chemist, health food stores and even your favorite ecommerce site will sell these tools. Take them only as directed, and be sure to clear any new supplements with your doctor.

  • You can lower your BMI and jump start your weight loss with a fat burner
  • Be sure to clear any and all supplements you take with a doctor, as some may interfere with your health conditions
  • You can buy fat burners anywhere weight loss supplements are sold

2. Cut out the carbs

It’s not necessarily healthy to give up carbohydrates and starches entirely. Your body needs these nutrients for energy and to maintain optimal health. But if you’re stuck and can’t lose weight, you can temporarily and drastically reduce your intake of carbohydrates to help get your weight loss started again.

The studies aren’t conclusive, but they’ve been done. In fact, super-low carb diets like the keto diet have been shown to make you feel less hungry and dramatically increase your weight loss. Think twice before you stick with a keto or other low carb diet long term, though. While it may reduce your BMI, the long-term effects of such a low carb diet are still unknown.

  • You can get your weight loss back on track by following a low carb diet for a few weeks
  • Don’t jump into a long-term keto diet without talking to your doctor – studies haven’t concluded that it’s safe
  • Eating fewer carbs can help you feel less hungry, so you’ll eat less and further increase your weight loss

3. Stop drinking alcohol

Alcohol is horrible for reducing your metabolic rate. So if you can’t lose weight and feel stuck, think about the amount of alcohol you’ve been consuming and consider cutting down. By cutting alcohol out of your diet, you can literally reduce your BMI within a matter of weeks, so why not give it a shot?

In addition to slowing your metabolism, alcohol of any kind is super high in calories. That bottle of beer averages 154 calories. The shot of whiskey? A full 105. And while wine may carry some benefits to your health, a glass of merlot has 122 calories.

There’s one more problem with alcohol – it will give you the munchies. Have you ever noticed that when you drink, you also snack? You can’t lose weight if you’re constantly snacking, especially if you’ve got a slowed metabolism to boot! So consider cutting alcohol our of your routine if you’re really serious about losing weight.

  • Alcohol will slow your metabolism and impede your weight loss
  • The calories in alcoholic drinks are very high as well
  • When you drink, you’re more likely to reach for unhealthy snacks – consider cutting out alcohol

4. Exercise

Oh, you knew it was coming. If you can’t lose weight with your diet alone, it might be time to think about adding exercise to your routine in order to reduce your BMI. Exercise is good for your weight loss, but can also help improve your overall health – your heart, your circulatory system and more will benefit, so get moving!

Doctors recommend that you get around 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week, which is about 30 minutes on most days. That’s not too much for anyone to handle! But if you have concerns about your heart, your joints or your breathing (like asthma) it’s a good idea to talk to a doctor before you start to exercise.

  • Exercise is a great way to jump start your weight loss if you’re feeling stuck
  • Working out is great for weight loss, but also for your overall health
  • All you need is 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week, so start walking or doing other activities right now!

5. Keep track of your calories

Every calorie counts. So even if you’re picking little scraps off your kids’ plates, it all adds up. To help you when you feel like you can’t lose weight, start keeping track of everything you eat. Everything! From the chip you grabbed to the meals you planned, write it all down to get an idea of where your weight loss might be getting off track.

When you’re honest with yourself about the calories and foods you’re consuming, you’re going to be more likely to develop a sense of accountability. You’ll lose weight and drop your BMI more quickly when you’re accountable to yourself for your intake, so grab a pen and a little pocket notebook and be sure you track everything you’re eating … and drinking, too! Soda calories count!

  • You may be able to lose weight more quickly if you’re keeping track of the things you’re eating
  • Keep a pen and notebook handy and be sure you’re recording absolutely everything
  • Don’t forget to record your juice, soda and alcohol – those calories count, too!

6. Get a good night’s sleep

Did you know that your sleep hygiene is directly related to your weight loss efforts? So if you can’t lose weight and lower your BMI, it may do your body good to get some better rest at night. The average adult needs between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every night – and that’s good sleep. If you’re not resting well, there are things you can do to improve.

First, establish a nighttime routine. Do something relaxing like take a bath before bed each night, or light an aromatherapy candle and read a book. Lavender is a great choice. Then, turn off your electronics! The particular type of blue light given by electronics like laptops, phones and your television has been proven to interfere with sleep patterns.

If you feel like you have to snack before bedtime, keep it light and choose a naturally sleep-friendly food like cottage cheese. Avoid caffeine, and avoid alcohol before bed. Some may think that a glass of wine will help you get drowsy, but the opposite is true. Skip the alcohol and opt for herbal tea instead.

  • Getting better sleep will help you boost your weight loss efforts
  • The average adult needs between seven and nine hours of sleep each night
  • Establish a healthy bedtime routine and stick with it to improve your sleep habits

7. Ask your doctor about intermittent fasting

It’s not for everyone, but some people who can’t lose weight may benefit from intermittent fasting. Always check with your doctor first, especially if you have blood sugar disorders like diabetes or hypoglycemia.

Intermittent fasting can be as simple as setting a “food curfew” for yourself. For instance, commit to refrain from eating between the hours of 6 pm and 8 am. Other people may eat very few calories one day and whatever they want the next.

If you’re interested in trying intermittent fasting to reduce your BMI, set up an appointment with a doctor or a nutritionist. And always be sure you’re getting enough calories to provide energy when you’re working out.

  • Intermittent fasting isn’t for everyone, but you may benefit from it if you can’t lose weight
  • Always check with your doctor before you start intermittent fasting
  • If you have any blood sugar disorders or concerns, this plan probably isn’t going to be healthy for you

8. For Pete’s sake, just drink water

We’re not sure why so many people hate drinking water, but if you’re stuck and you can’t lose weight, we think you should give it a solid shot. Water is imperative to your weight loss and when you skip it, you’re doing yourself a disservice.

Drink half an ounce of water each day for every pound of body weight you have. Go to your favorite store and pick out a water bottle you love. Stainless steel is great, but if you’re looking for something more light a BPA free plastic bottle is good, too.

Fill it up, and sip throughout the day. Really, folks, it’s not that hard. And you’ll notice that your BMI is dropping more easily, even when you’d previously been stuck.

  • Drink water
  • We can’t say it enough – drink water
  • When you add a half an ounce of water per pound of body weight to your day, you’ll improve your health, your digestion and your weight loss

9. Consider ignoring the scale for a while

Many times, people get very hung up on what the scales are saying and they’re not paying enough attention to the other affects of their weight loss. You may feel like you can’t lose weight, but:

  • Are your clothes fitting better?
  • Have you even dropped a size or two?
  • Do you feel less bloated and swollen?
  • Do you have more energy?

Take a break from the scales for a while and just focus on living a healthy lifestyle. Then, after a month or so jump back on that scale and see the progress you’ve made. Remember that you don’t have to be a perfect weight to have a healthy BMI, any number within the healthy range is fine and will reduce your risk of health complications now and later in life.

  • Try to avoid the scale for a while and just focus on your lifestyle
  • There are other indicators that your BMI is dropping other than just what you weigh
  • Set a goal of getting your BMI down within the healthy range rather than getting your weight to a specific number

10. Don’t stress

No, literally. If you can’t lose weight, it might be time to evaluate how much stress is in your life. Are you stressed about work, about family obligations, or about your health? Go talk to someone and lower your stress levels – and your BMI.

When you’re under stress, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol has been shown to increase the fat stored in your belly and make your weight loss quite difficult. If you’re feeling like you’re under a lot of stress, there are solutions. Consider:

  • Talk to a counselor or therapist about ways you can manage your stress, and if a prescription is necessary
  • Talk to your boss about the possibility of working fewer or different hours, or even working remotely some days if possible
  • Try to get your finances in order – speak with a professional if necessary to learn how to better manage your money
  • Ask friends and family for help in managing the household responsibilities

No matter what’s bugging you, there’s a way out. Talk to whomever you need to to help reduce your day to day stress. Not only will it help your weight loss, it will also just make you a healthier, happier person.


When you feel like you can’t lose weight, there are usually pretty simple steps you can take to jump start your body into dropping the pounds again. This can be as simple as drinking more water or as involved as talking to a therapist.

Trial and error may be a part of breaking your plateau, but don’t give up! Before long, you’ll be on track to losing weight and reaching an ideal BMI once again!

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