Diuretics: Herbs, Food, Drinks And Supplements

If you’re trying to lose weight and lower your BMI, there’s a trick you need to know about: the use of diuretics. What’s a diuretic? Well, these foods, herbs and supplements help you rid your body of excess fluid. You know that bloated feeling you get when you’re retaining fluid? Diuretics will make that go away!

In this guide, we’re going to talk about:

  • Some of the best diuretics you can take that are 100% natural
  • Supplements that may help you lose the fluid you’re retaining
  • How to use diuretics in a healthy and safe way

Are you ready to get rid of that bloated feeling for good? Here are the best diuretics to help you feel great while you lose weight!

1. Lemon

One of the best known diuretics out there is lemon. This, of course, is a natural substance that will help you get rid of that bloated feeling, and most people agree it tastes great! Lemon is filled with vitamin C, folate and potassium, so there are health benefits to your immune system as well. And lemon helps keep your skin looking great as well.

The best way to take lemon as a diuretic to reduce your BMI is mixed into warm water. But even people who add a splash of lemon to the water they’re already drinking see a great benefit in the reduction of fluid retention.

Don’t forget that lemon juice does contain a few calories. But one wedge of lemon only contains about 2 calories, and an average whole lemon contains about 17. So while those calories count, they won’t add up very quickly and you can enjoy this diuretic guilt-free.

  • Lemon is a natural diuretic that helps you reduce fluid retention
  • You should optimally drink lemon juice in warm water, but any form of lemon is fine
  • You can enjoy lemon guilt free, as it’s low-cal and contains some great nutrients

2. Coffee

Have you ever noticed how frequently you have to use the restroom when you drink coffee? That’s because this drink is a natural diuretic that can help you reduce bloating and lower your BMI. The caffeine is to credit, so decaffeinated coffee won’t have the same effect.

Despite popular belief, coffee does contain calories. But don’t worry. An 8 ounce cup of coffee contains just one tiny calorie. This, of course, is black coffee – your cream and sugar will add a ton of fat and calories that may impact your weight loss.

The catch is this – just one cup of coffee probably isn’t going to have enough caffeine in it to have the same diuretic effect of two or even three cups. So if you’re super sensitive to caffeine or simply don’t like coffee, this may not be the best option for you as a diuretic.

  • The caffeine in coffee is a diuretic and can help reduce your fluid retention
  • It’s probably going to take more than one cup of coffee to have this effect
  • Be sure you’re drinking your coffee black – cream and sugar will add a ton of calories to your drink

3. Caffeine tablets

If you can’t quite stomach the idea of drinking a few cups of coffee each day, then head to the store and pick up some caffeine tablets to help lower your BMI. Caffeine tablets, like coffee, are a diuretic and will help you flush the fluids from your system.

When you take caffeine tablets – or ingest caffeine in any form – it’s important that you don’t have any medical conditions that can be impacted. Heart conditions, for example, can be dangerous with caffeine tablets because caffeine may accelerate your heart rate and may also impact your blood vessels.

A typical caffeine tablet will contain around 200 mg of caffeine which is about the same amount that you’d get in a cup of coffee. Talk to your doctor before you start caffeine tablets to determine how many milligrams are safe for you to ingest on a regular basis.

  • If you don’t care for coffee, caffeine tablets may be a good bet for you
  • Check with your doctor on dosage and medical interactions before you start taking caffeine pills
  • Caffeine will help flush fluids from your system and make you feel less bloated

4. Parsley

The next diuretic on the list is one you probably have in your fridge or spice rack already: parsley. Parsley is a diuretic and can help you lower your BMI naturally. However, many people think the taste of parsley is not so great.

If you’re interested in using parsley to help you lose weight, there’s a solution, which is to use parsley tea. Parsley has an earthy flavor but you can sweeten it with a splash of cranberry juice or another diuretic you already know – lemon – can add a bit of flavor!

Fresh parsley is better than dried parsley, so when you cook with parsley be sure you use the fresh stuff. Parsley is especially effective for women who are retaining fluid during or prior to their menstrual cycles.

  • Parsley is an effective diuretic, but not everyone loves the flavor
  • Instead, use parsley tea to naturally reduce your BMI and reduce fluid retention
  • Women with menstrual fluid retention will benefit from parsley in particular

5. Hibiscus

A much more pleasant tea that’s also a diuretic is hibiscus. Hibiscus is a gorgeous tropical flower, and as you’d expect the tea has a very floral flavor and a lovely aroma. Drinking a cup or two of warm hibiscus tea each day can help you reduce your BMI and your fluid retention.

Scientific studies have been conducted on animals, but there’s not yet formal research on hibiscus tea in humans. That said, there’s no harm in drinking the tea and even the warm water will have a diuretic effect so there’s no reason you shouldn’t give this tea a try.

You can find hibiscus tea in some grocery stores, but you’re more likely to get it online or in a health food store. If possible, choose an organic version to avoid pesticides and other yucky stuff in your tea.

  • Hibiscus is a pleasantly scented and floral tasting tea that can help you if you’re retaining fluids
  • You’ll find hibiscus tea most readily in health food stores and online
  • If you can, choose an organic hibiscus tea blend

6. Tea (green and black)

Just as coffee and caffeine tablets can help you reduce fluid retention and lower your BMI, tea can act as a diuretic as well. In general, tea has lower amounts of caffeine than coffee, but if you’re sensitive to caffeine this may be a good option for you.

It’s super important that you don’t add sugars and sweeteners to your tea. The calories that these sweeteners will add can really add up throughout the day. Stick with unsweetened tea instead, or if you must, add just a bit of citrus juice or a touch of honey to your tea.

Tea contains antioxidants that can help improve your health while you lose weight, so it’s a great choice even if you don’t drink enough to experience the diuretic effects of tea. Green tea, in particular, contains catechins which can actually help reduce your risk of cancer!

  • Both green and black teas can help you if you’re retaining fluids
  • It’s best to avoid sweeteners and drink your tea unsweetened
  • Tea has other health benefits, so it’s a great choice whether it has a diuretic effect for you or not

7. Sodium reduction

When you reduce your sodium intake, it can be even better than a diuretic! Sodium is the number one culprit for making you retain fluid, and by cutting it out of your diet you can lower your BMI and have a thinner, trimmer waistline in no time at all!

Pay attention to the seasonings you use in your food, but also be mindful of the sodium that’s used in packaged foods. Canned foods and prepared frozen meals are especially bad for having high amounts of sodium, so be sure you read the product labels.

Ideally, a healthy adult should get around 1,500 milligrams of sodium each day. Your body does need salt, but not in the quantities we consume it. The average adult eats over 2,000 mg of salt each day … but our bodies only need 180 milligrams to stay healthy.

  • Reducing your sodium intake is a great way to keep bloating away
  • Pay attention to how you season your food, but also to packaging on the foods you buy
  • The average adult consumes over 2,000 mg of sodium each day, but we only need 180!

8. Potassium

Eating potassium can help you if you’re retaining fluid, as it has diuretic effects. Rather than beginning with a potassium supplement, though, try to incorporate some high-potassium foods into your everyday diet.

Foods that are high in potassium include bananas, honeydew, grapefruit, spinach and apricots. Choosing these healthy foods can also add some other important nutrients to your diet. Plus, potassium-rich foods have the added benefit to your health of actually helping to reduce your sodium levels!

If you must take a potassium tablet, only do so under a doctor’s guidance. Consuming too much potassium can actually lead to some pretty serious health complications, like changes in your muscle function and even deadly changes in your heart’s rhythms.

  • Potassium can help you lower your BMI by acting as a diuretic as well as reducing the sodium in your body
  • Choose healthy and high-potassium foods rather than taking a supplement if possible
  • If you must take a supplement, do so with a doctor’s supervision

9. Stay hydrated

You’ve probably heard thousands of times that drinking water is essential to lowering your BMI and losing weight. But did you know that staying hydrated can also help keep you from holding fluids? Water, cranberry juice and other fluids can help you by acting as a diuretic to reduce the amount of fluid you’re retaining.

You’re still going to need to brink plenty of water (don’t forget to add that lemon) but it’s okay if you’re feeling bloated to substitute one of those glasses of water with a few ounces of cranberry juice. Cranberry juice is also quite healthy for your urinary tract because if can help neutralize the bacteria in your system.

Remember as you drink cranberry juice, milk or any other fluid that those calories count. So if you’re also trying to lose weight, you can add another 117 calories per cup of the juice to your food diary.

  • Staying hydrated can help you if you’re retaining fluids
  • Don’t forget to count the calories in the drinks you consume to your food diary
  • Cranberry juice can be particularly effective as a diuretic

10. Exercise

You already know that exercise is great for reducing your BMI, but it’s also a natural diuretic. When you exercise, your body will shift water into your muscles, meaning you’ll feel less bloated almost immediately following your workout.

Don’t forget to drink water while you work out. You’re going to need to stay hydrated to work out effectively and safely. But when done right, the water you drink during your workout won’t cause further retention, so you will still see the benefits.

If it’s safe and healthy for you (ask your doctor) you may also enjoy some time in the sauna after your workout. This isn’t a go-to solution for everyone, but in a pinch a sauna session may be just what you need to reduce your fluid retention.

  • Exercise will naturally reduce your fluid retention
  • During your workout, your body will shift water to your muscles
  • The sauna could be a good option for you in a pinch, but shouldn’t be relied on for fluid retention


When you’re holding on to fluids, you look “softer” and you feel bad. Fluid retention is easy to get rid of, though, and there are many natural ways to do it. Choose a diuretic that’s safe for you and that you actually enjoy. Whether it’s a couple cups of coffee or a trip to the sauna, there’s a diuretic out there that will make you look and feel great.

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