Double Chin: 11 “Simple” Exercises to Get Rid of it

Do you want to get rid of your double chin? If you are like most people then the answer is definitely a big YES. Let’s be clear – the layer of fat that accumulates right below your chin makes you look less attractive.

A higher BMI (body mass index) is the most common reason why people are getting a double chin. However, there are a few other things that can lead to the unwanted formation of fat buildup like this including genetics and the natural process of aging. Regardless of the cause, you should know that there are some things that people can do to eliminate this unpleasant situation. One of the most effective ones is to workout. We will use this short guide to showcase 11 “simple” exercises that will help you get rid of a double chin.

  • Find out how to resolve this problem with the help of physical activity
  • Learn more about the most effective exercises
  • Discover how to conduct these exercises in a proper way

The exercises that we have prepared for you are suitable for beginners. Some of them are quite old while others have emerged recently. In any case, with the help of these exercises, you can rest assured that you will improve your health and eliminate your double chin.

1. Head spinner

Sometimes, spinning the head can provide tremendous results for those struggling with fat accumulation under their chins. To perform this exercise, you will have to stand up straight, hold your head high and make sure that your back is aligned.

After that, you have to flex the jaws and chin as much as you can and start rotating the head from one side to another. The goal is to achieve a full span. Finally, keep that rotating/spinning span for 15 seconds. To make this exercise work, you will have to repeat it two or three times per day.

2. Ceiling kisser

The name of this exercise might sound a little bit weird, but it definitely works. So, if you want to start losing that annoying double chin, you can try this exercise too. For starters, tilt the head back until the direction of your face matches the ceiling (or the sky if you are working out outside).

Next, you will have to start puckering the lips and expanding your skin. The main goal is to make this part of the face tight while the exercise lasts. After that, keep this kissing motion for five to ten seconds and relax once you are done. You need around 5 reps of the “ceiling kisser” every day for a couple of weeks to see the first results.

3. Pie eater

Now here’s an example of a double chin exercise that has a funny name. The name might be funny, but the results can be great. The process starts when you open your mouth. Try to keep it as widely opened as possible. Next, stretch the mouth to the edges. After that, keep the same position for ten seconds.

The next step in this exercise is to close the mouth and unwind. Repeat the same procedure a few times. Keep in mind that this exercise looks funny, so it might be the best idea to do it alone when no one is watching.

4. The tapper

In the case of this exercise, we don’t have to use air quotes for simple. This is a very simple exercise that was designed for men and women who are dealing with a double chin. To start with, you will have to tap the neck gently with the help of the back of the hand.

After a short period of time start increasing the speed, but keep in mind that this tapping should always be light – you should never hit yourself. By doing this, you are actually relaxing the muscles at this part of the body. Perform this easy and simple procedure every day for a month.

5. Chin lifter

Sometimes, you have to lift your chin to make the double chin below it go away. Imagine that you are chewing gum or something else and start moving your mouth. Don’t be afraid to exaggerate things a little bit. If you notice clicking sounds behind or around the ears, that’s a good sign. In this way, you are activating the mandibles.

Feel free to touch your muscles located on the neck at this point. They should be tightened if you are doing this procedure properly. After some period of time, you should notice that the double chin is shrinking.

6. Palm pusher

It turns out that your palm can be quite handy when you are trying to eliminate a double chin. In this exercise, you will have to use your palm and push it against the forehead for around ten seconds. Use the power of your neck and head to resist this pressure. To make this exercise work, one has to tense up the chin and neck.

Next, conduct the same procedure, but this time on the back of your head. Continue with the left side of your head and the right side of the head. People should perform this exercise 2-3 times a day. It might take a while, but you should eventually be able to say goodbye to the unwanted fatty buildup under your face.

7. Lips and tongue

Surely, your BMI rating plays a role in the appearance and elimination of your double chin, but a good and simple exercise like this one can help you resolve this issue too. In this case, you should start by sitting as straight as possible with your head tilted back. Basically, you have to look at the sky/ceiling. Keep the lips closed and fully relaxed during the process.

After that, open your mouth by parting the lips and stick out the tongue. You should move it downward and try to reach the chin (obviously you won’t be able to do this). Keep the tongue and face in this position for ten seconds and relax after that. Do this exercise on a daily basis.

8. Sleepyhead

If you like to relax and unwind and still work towards your goal (getting rid of your double chin) then you will probably like this one. Sleepyhead is an exercise that starts by laying down on the bed while keeping the head hanging down.

The process continues when you slowly start moving your head to the body (lifting it up). Stay in this position for 10 seconds and repeat the procedure. Three to four reps per day should be enough to witness positive results. Remember to take a break and relax before repeating the procedure.

9. The platysma strengthener

Do you know what platysma is? It sounds unusual, but this is actually the muscle that starts at the jaw and goes down the neck. In theory (and according to many people in practice too), this exercise will help people with unwanted fat buildup under the chin. The platysma strengthener starts when you stand straight and keep the neck straight and erect.

Put the lip over the teeth in order to make the tendons in the jaw tighter. At the same time, keep the turning corners of the mouth in a downward direction. Think of frowning when you do this. You have to keep this position for ten seconds and relax after that. Perform this procedure ten times a day. Since this exercise is easy and simple, you shouldn’t have any trouble reaching this goal.

10. The tennis ball exercise

In some cases, you might need some sort of a requisite to perform an exercise focused double chin elimination. The tennis ball exercise is a great example of that. So, take a tennis ball and put it under your chin. You have to keep it against the neck with the help of your chin.

In the first few seconds keep the ball very tightly (if you feel comfortable doing this) and after a while start relaxing until the ball drops. For the best results, you should repeat this simple exercise ten times a day for at least two weeks.

11. The pillow exercise

This is another example of a double chin exercise that requires a requisite, but the good news is that this requisite is something that we all have in our homes – a pillow. The best idea is to perform this activity before you go to sleep because in this way you will never forget to perform it. The pillow exercise is very simple and starts when you lie on the left or right side of your body and put your head on your pillow.

After that, you should tilt the head backward. Tilt it as much as you can. Obviously, you stop if you don’t feel comfortable. Conduct this activity for up to five minutes before bedtime. In this way, people can tone and strengthen the jawline which will also make the double chin go away.

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