Cellulite 101: What is it?, Treatment, Removal, Causes

Are you fed up with cellulite? Do you want to shape and tone your body for the upcoming summer season? Do you want to know what cellulite is and what’s causing it?

One thing is for sure- cellulite is annoying, diminishes our confidence, and can be stubborn!

This being said, our guide will help you learn some important things like:

  • What leads to cellulite
  • How to reduce its visibility
  • Why nutrition & diet matter

Though it’s harmless generally speaking, it makes the skin look lumpy and dimples the flesh on areas like the hips, thighs, belly, and buttocks.

Even though it can happen both in men and in women, it’s more prevalent in ladies. [1]

Severe cases of cellulite make the skin rumpled and bumpy all the time, not just when you pinch the skin.

Despite not being a problem that requires medical treatment, it does make the skin look bad.

What a lot of women would like to know is whether ‘cellulite is a forever thing’ and if there’s an effective way to get rid of it.

Before we go on a cellulite-reducing journey, we need to know that you can’t only rely on a serum or anti-cellulite oil that will somehow magically make it disappear.

If you want to reduce its appearance, you need to have the other important allies, that is, nutrition and exercise.

If you’re dedicated and persistent and read our whole guide, you’ll learn effective ways to tone your legs and buttocks and reduce the visibility of cellulite.

Cellulite 101: Treatment, Removal & Causes

1. What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite is a skin condition characterized by a dimpled appearance. It appears mostly on the thighs, hips, and buttocks and it’s more common in women than in men.

Sometimes, it can also be seen in the upper arms, breasts or belly.

This is because of the differences in fat distribution in men and women. [2] The surplus fat deposits push and distort the tissues under the skin and create the unpleasant lumpiness.

  • Cellulite is a skin condition that’s not harmless
  • More common in women
  • Usually forms in the thighs, buttocks & hips

It’s important to note that cellulite is different from cellulitis- a spreading bacterial infection or inflammation of the skin and tissues underneath.

Cellulite affects people of all ages and with different BMIs.

It’s divided into three categories, that is, grade 1 or mild cellulite, grade 2 or orange-peel appearance of the skin when standing up or sitting down, and grade 3 when there’s orange-peel skin and deeply raised and depressed parts which are visible all the time.

It’s considered to be a cosmetic problem which can be easily determined by the skin’s appearance and there are no diagnostic tests for it.

  • Not the same as cellulitis
  • Divided into 3 different levels
  • A cosmetic problem, not a medical one

As it’s considered a cosmetic issue, some of the experts you can turn to if you’re concerned about it are aesthetic physicians like plastic surgeons and dermatologists.

2. What Are the Causes of Cellulite?

Even though the main trigger for cellulite isn’t entirely known, the most likely reason is a mixture of several factors.

Some of these factors are gender, hormones, lifestyle, and inflammation. [3] Other possible reasons may include age, genetics, and body shape.


Women have a higher risk of cellulite than men. This is a result of how women’s connective tissues and fat cells are arranged underneath the skin.

Namely, women have numerous fat cells which stand vertically with the top of the cells meeting the connective tissue at a right angle.

On the other hand, men have smaller amounts of fat cells horizontally arranged and therefore, they lie flat against each other.

So, the likelihood of these fat cells in women poking through and becoming visible under the skin is higher.


Cellulite may also develop because of the changes in the structure and size of the fat cells.

This is why some hormones like insulin and catecholamines that participate in the breakdown of fat and storage may play a role.

A hormonal imbalance like a higher level of insulin may increase the chance of cellulite.

Since it’s mostly happening in women, it’s also thought that estrogen, the female sex hormone, also participates in its formation.

Cellulite may therefore worsen during periods of estrogen changes like pregnancy or menopause.


Cellulite may be a disorder of the connective tissue triggered by chronic, low-grade inflammation, according to one theory.

Namely, research has discovered immune cells associated with chronic inflammation in tissue affected by cellulite.

But, other research hasn’t concluded any link between cellulite and inflammation.

Diet rich in carbs

Despite not being thoroughly researched, it’s believed that diet plays a role in the formation of cellulite, especially if it’s rich in carbs.

This can worsen the condition by elevating the insulin levels and the overall fat in the body. What’s more, a diet rich in salt may boost the retention of fluid and worsen it.

Leading an overall unhealthy diet and not drinking enough water are considered contributing factors because they can lead to weight gain which further increases the chance of cellulite.

3. Cellulite in Different Body Parts

Although cellulite can appear on several different body parts, it’s most commonly seen in the thighs, hips, and buttocks. [4]

Namely, as the thighs are naturally higher in fatty tissues than other body parts, they’re more prone to cellulite.

  • Cellulite can appear in different body parts
  • Cellulite is most common in the thighs, hips, and buttocks
  • Higher fatty tissues & restricted blood flow are common culprits

Surely, having cellulite in this part can be frustrating; but, it’s not something wrong or unnatural. However, it’s understandable that you want to remove it if possible or to reduce its visibility.

The hips are another area that’s commonly affected by cellulite. The main reason for this is probably the higher presence of fatty tissues.

This cellulite is a major ‘enemy’ to bikini season and can make us even look wider in the hips if we have too much of it.

Women also complain of cellulite in the buttocks. This area is susceptible to cellulite because of the fatty tissue factor, but also because the blood flow is normally more restricted here- we spend most of our days sitting.

4. How can Nutrition Be of Aid?

Noticing cellulite on your body can affect your self-esteem, however, the truth is, cellulite is more normal than you may think.

In fact, every 9 in 10 women have it at some point in their lives, including fit women or women with low BMI.

Even though it’s not a flaw or a failure, people who have it often want to improve their skin.

Some may choose natural remedies; others may opt for cosmetic procedures or they will try to improve their diet.

When it comes to the role of diet in cellulite, as we previously explained, the research is limited and lacking; however a balanced and healthy diet may be of aid for reducing the risk of cellulite. [5]

This is because weight gain and a higher BMI can worsen cellulite because of the increase in the fat cells. To prevent weight gain or to lower weight, we need to eat healthier.

And, make sure you don’t rely too much on the so-called anti-cellulite diets.

Most of them are a short-term solution or are unhealthy!

A better solution would be to improve your overall diet and focus on healthy food that will give you the nutrients for good health and lower risk of cellulite.

Below, check out some of the best diet tips for a lower risk of cellulite:

Fruits & Veggies

Fruits and veggies contain antioxidants, bioflavonoids, and phytonutrients, all of which are pivotal for the collagen production, cell protection, and averting a surplus breakdown of collagen. [5]

The antioxidants are crucial for the protection from free radicals which can damage the skin cells and increase the risk of cellulite.

According to some research, foods abundant in polyphenols, present in purple veggies and fruits, may be of aid for cellulite reduction.

For example, add more red cabbage, red kale, blueberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, beetroots, and purple sweet potatoes to your nutrition.


Amino acids and protein are pivotal for a healthy formation of connective tissue, as well as for the production of collagen.

Namely, lack or loss of connective tissue may worsen cellulite.

This is why our diet requires healthy sources of protein like fish, poultry, bone broth, nuts, seeds, and gelatin if we want to decrease the visibility of cellulite. [6]

Avoid processed carbs

The common comfort foods, which tend to be our favorite foods because they’re tasty, are soft drinks, doughnuts, fast food, fries, etc.

However, we need to be mindful of their consumption- they’re rich in processed carbs.

These carbs, if consumed excessively, will elevate your insulin levels and encourage lipogenesis or the formation of fat.

Consequently, the total body fat amount increases and the risk of cellulite too. [7]

If you’re choosing carbs, opt for the complex ones more.

More whole grains

Carbohydrates are the staples of a good diet and we shouldn’t cut them all- we just need to eat the right ones and in healthy amounts.

Whole grain carbs like oats, sweet potatoes, multigrain breads, and legumes help balance the blood sugar levels and decrease the fat formation. [8]

More healthy fats

Instead of choosing saturated fats from excessive consumption of butter, pork, cheese, ice cream, lard, etc., go with healthy omega-3s from oily fish, flaxseed, and nuts.

When you nourish your body with healthy fats, you boost the blood flow which lowers the chance of the skin cells clustering together and increasing the chances of cellulite. [9]

On the other hand, healthy fats will boost the delivery of nutrients to the skin cells.

5. How can Exercise & Physical Activity Help?

Exercise and regular physical activity can help lower fat; however, cellulite can’t be spot-treated, that is, there’s no exercise which can help you focus only on losing it.

Cellulite requires a holistic approach- eating right, exercising regularly, and controlling the fat-storage hormones that prevail in the lower body parts, explain experienced trainers.

The best anti-cellulite workout program should focus on reducing the body fat, strengthen the muscles under the skin, eat a low-carb diet, and improve the blood flow.

Here are some helpful exercise-related tips that can help you address cellulite.

Do Cardio

Cardiovascular workout can help you burn more calories; however, to achieve the necessary effect, you also need to lower your calorie intake through diet as well.

  • Cardio helps reduce fat
  • Cardio may help minimize cellulite visibility
  • Plenty of options to choose from

Cardio exercise elevates our heart rate into the target heart rate zone where we’ll burn the most calories and fat. [10]

Since cardio workout may help lower the overall body fat and decrease the visibility of cellulite, there’s no harm in trying it out.

You can opt for workouts like cycling, hiking, running, swimming, brisk walking, etc.

Strength training

In addition to cardio for the reduction of fat, strength training is also pivotal for cellulite management. Namely, as it helps build muscle, it can help you change how your body stores fat or how it appears. [11]

Even though you can’t change the vertical columns in the connective tissue, you can make the muscles tighter. This is why weight lifting is important for all women, not just for those with cellulite, as it can help fight off body fat.

  • Strength training helps build muscle
  • It may change the storage of fat or its appearance
  • Tones the thighs, buttocks, and arms

Weight lifting increases your muscles and helps you strengthen your body and diminish the appearance of cellulite. You’ll have shaped and beautiful buttocks, thighs, and arms.

Other great options to add strength training to your workout in addition to weights are resistance bands, your own body (push ups, squats, etc.), and weight machines at gyms.

Leg Lifts

This specific exercise can be very beneficial for women who deal with thigh cellulite as it can help you tone this area. [12]

To perform them, lie on the floor on one side of the body and put the elbow on the ground and prop your head with it.

The other should be on the floor, beside the waist.

  • Leg lifts can be beneficial for thigh cellulite
  • Leg lifts is an easy and simple exercise

Straighten the legs and point the toes and lift the leg as much as you can and then slowly bring it back down.

Make 10 to 15 reps with each leg.


When you do the good old squats regularly, you can build the muscles in the buttock and thigh area, which will further increase the burning of fat (more muscles means more fat gets burned!).

When you have less fat, the cellulite will become less noticeable. [13] Begin with 15 reps and increase them as you gain stamina.

  • Squats are good for the buttocks
  • Squats are good for the thighs
  • Squats help build muscle & reduce cellulite visibility

To do a squat in the right way, you need to stand straight with the feet slightly apart.

Then, bend the knees slowly and lower the upper body until the thighs are parallel to the floor. Stand up slowly, squeezing the glutes and the thighs. Repeat.

Use the stairs!

According to the National Wellness Institute that promotes healthy lifestyle, using the stairs burns at least 10 calories per minute. [14]

  • Using the stairs helps burn calories
  • Using stairs activates cellulite-affected muscles

It also activates all of the muscle areas that tend to get affected with the highest amount of cellulite.

Therefore, whenever possible, instead of an elevator, take the stairs.

6. Useful Natural Methods to Address Cellulite


Massaging the skin with gentle pressure may help drain out the surplus fluid and lower the visibility of cellulite, both in those with lower or higher BMI. [15]

Massage may be helpful by damaging the fat cells and allowing them to rebuild, realign, and even out their distribution and thus, make the skin smoother.

  • Massage helps drain out fluid
  • Massage helps lower the cellulite visibility
  • Massage makes the skin smoother

However, this may only be a short-term solution for cellulite, according to observational studies.

Cellulite Rollers/Foam Rollers

Foam rollers are a proven method of relaxing tight muscles, speeding up a recovery after strenuous workouts, and averting injuries. [16]

And, lately, they’ve been promoted as a method for cellulite reduction for people with cellulite, regardless of their BMI (higher, lower..).

Rollers promise to remove annoying lumps and bumps that make cellulite prominent.

  • Foam rollers may smooth bumpy skin
  • Foam rollers may help decrease the visibility of cellulite
  • Foam rollers are a good short-term solution

The theory behind this cylinder is that it breaks up and relaxes the fascia- a connective tissue which protects and divides muscles and allows fat to lie flat underneath the skin.

This is why the skin becomes smoother after foam rolling, which may further help better the cellulite.

But, these are only short-term results and the effect is usually passing.

Cellulite Cup

A cellulite cup is a small silicone cup that is sold by numerous brands and promoted as a cellulite-reducing tool.

They’re designed to work as a vacuum and deliver a reverse type of massage when placed over the cellulite areas.

The cup pulls and lifts up the dimples and boosts the blood flow. Consequently, the removal of toxins is enhanced and the skin looks smoother as a result. [17]

  • Silicone cups are used for cellulite reduction
  • Cupping is based on vacuum method
  • Boosts the blood flow & encourages the removal of toxins

The good thing about these cups is that they can be used at home. You just place them on top of the area and squeeze and release them.

According to a study from 2014, cupping therapy was found to be an efficient and safe method for cellulite reduction. 40 healthy women participated in the study.

There can be initial bruising from the cupping for which you can use a soothing cream to speed up its healing.

Essential Oils

For years, essential oils have been used throughout different cultures to alleviate numerous conditions. There are at least 90 types of essential oils recommended by dermatologists for the treatment of skin problems.

One of their newest usages is for the reduction of cellulite. [18]

Cellulite doesn’t just impact people with higher BMI- it can happen in everyone.

  • Essential oils may help with skin conditions
  • Must be diluted with carrier oil prior to application
  • You may need to try out several combinations to find the best one

The 10 most common essential oils used for cellulite are cedarwood, cypress, fennel, geranium, grapefruit, juniper, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, and lime.

If you decide to try them for cellulite reduction, you shouldn’t apply them directly from the bottle onto the skin.

Blend them with carrier oils like olive or coconut oil first. Make sure you check out the dilution recommendations first.


Over-the-counter creams can improve how the cellulite-affected areas look.

There’s some data showing that they work by encouraging lipolysis, stimulating the collagen, and boosting the lymphatic drainage and blood flow. [19]

A common ingredient which you’ll find in cellulite creams is topical caffeine which is considered helpful because it betters the lymphatic and vascular blood flow.

  • OTC anti-cellulite creams help reduce the visibility of cellulite
  • Less expensive way to address cellulite
  • Common ingredient is topical caffeine

Plus, it can dehydrate the fat cells under the skin and minimize their prominence.

A cellulite cream doesn’t help you remove the cellulite for good, but it rather helps you make it less obvious.

Dry Brushing

This is one of the more natural methods of dealing with cellulite- you need a brush with which you brush the affected skin while it’s dry using upward strokes.

This movement is believed to activate the lymphatic system and better the blood flow which may lead to a short-term effect of a smoother skin. [20]

  • Natural way of dealing with cellulite
  • Inexpensive short-term way to address cellulite
  • Activates the lymphatic system & makes the skin smoother

But, when we’re talking about dry brushing and cellulite, you may need to do it daily since the effects are short-term.

However, the good thing is that you only need a proper brush and some good will to do it.

Plus, the brush is also very affordable, unlike some other methods of cellulite removal which may require hundreds of dollars.


If you’re healthy enough for a sauna, it can do some great things for your skin!

Beyond the ability to help you reduce stress and tension and strengthen your immunity, it may also help make your skin look better.

It does this by boosting the blood flow, improving the collagen production, and deep-cleansing the skin.

It’s great for people who need to lose weight and have higher BMIs.

  • Great way to boost your health
  • Sauna can improve the skin’s health
  • It may help with cellulite by flushing out the toxins underneath fat cells

It may be of aid with cellulite because it flushes out the toxins underneath the fat cells that contribute to the cellulite. [21]

This consequently lowers the uneven skin appearance in the problematic areas.

Even though you may try conventional sauna for cellulite reduction, an infrared one may be more helpful as it produces heat which goes deeper into the tissues of our body than regular sauna.

7. Common Cosmetic Procedures for Cellulite Reduction

Radio Frequency

This is one of the more long-term cellulite treatments for people who struggle with it, no matter if their BMI is higher or normal.[22]

During this treatment, a specific device is used which makes the fibrous bands which create cellulite tighter and to lie flatter against the skin.

  • Results last from 3 to 6 months
  • Suitable for people with cellulite
  • Makes changes in the fibrous bands underneath the skin

The results last for 3 to 6 months and it doesn’t make cellulite ‘disappear’ forever.

This is because of our ongoing aging the continuous formation of fibrous bands.


This non-surgical procedure is used to lower cellulite’s visibility and it’s minimally invasive. It’s based on a microblading technique which targets the thigh and buttock cellulite and it’s very promising. [23]

This is a good choice for patients who’re between 20 and 60, have a good weight and BMI, and their skin is minimally loose.

  • Minimally invasive procedure
  • Great for thigh and buttock cellulite
  • It’s not cheap

It’s an effective option for the dimple-type of cellulite. It’s FDA-approved only for thigh and buttock cellulite.

The patient stands up and the doctor marks the dimples and then applies a numbing solution. The device’s needle goes into the skin and a fanning motion is performed to release the fibrous bands.

This makes the dimples bounce back up.

Averagely speaking, one hour is needed for every 25 dimples. The results may last up to three years. But, it’s not a cheap procedure.


Similarly to Cellfina, this procedure also breaks down the structures of cellulite under the skin, but it uses lasers instead of blades. It’s minimally invasive and done with local anesthesia, with or without a sedative.

A small incision is made for the cannula to go underneath the skin where the fat is broken down.

The procedure lasts between 60 and 120 minutes. Rest is recommended for 24 hours after the procedure and avoiding strenuous activities for a week.

  • Cellulaze may be helpful for moderate cellulite
  • It’s a quite expensive procedure
  • It’s done with a laser

This small laser is helpful for the increase of the thickness of the skin, for the release of the dimple-forming bands, for the stimulation of collagen, and for flattening the fat. [24]

It may be a good option for moderate cellulite and people with slightly higher BMI who deal with fatty body parts and aren’t obese. Nonetheless, this is a treatment for which you may need to spend thousands of dollars.


This non-invasive method involves infiltrating carbon dioxide into the cellulite areas of the body. [25] These CO2 injections are also used for the treatment of dark circles under the eyes and stretch marks.

The treatment of cellulite with CO2, which is a naturally-occurring gas in our body, is FDA-approved and has no long-lasting side effects.

It’s finished within 15 to 30 minutes and allows you to get back to your normal routines after 24 hours or so.

However, every session costs around $75 to $200 and most individuals will need 7 to 10 sessions.

  • CO2 injections burst the cells of fat
  • There are no long-lasting side effects
  • Most individuals need from 7 to 10 sessions

It’s advertised for its ability to enhance the skin’s elasticity, the blood flow, and remove the wrinkled skin and fine lines.

It can also be helpful for collagen repair and destruction of fat cells.

The procedure is almost entirely painless and some technicians may apply a numbing gel on the area prior to the insertion of the needle.

The CO2 causes the cells of fat to burst and to move away.

Acoustic Wave Therapy

This non-invasive treatment promises cellulite reduction, better skin texture, and accented contours.

It uses radial acoustic waves that flush the fat cells through the body’s removal system, enhance the production of collagen, and strengthen the skin.

Science says that this therapy is safe and effective for localized fat deposits and that it can diminish the visibility of cellulite. [26] It also leaves the skin smoother and tighter!

  • Lowers cellulite & improves the skin
  • Makes the skin smoother & tighter
  • Visible results after 2 to 3 weeks

However, to ensure optimal results, the therapy should include 10 treatments.

The results can be long-term if the patient continues leading a healthy lifestyle, i.e. eats healthy and regularly works out.

The visible improvements can be seen 2 to 3 weeks after starting the treatment. It’s designed to help with cellulite on the thighs, buttocks, hips, abdomen, arms, and knees.

But, this is also one of the more pricey options- a session can cost you up to $400, depending on the area you want to treat.


Mesotherapy, also known as liquid lipo, is a common cosmetic procedure for cellulite reduction. It works by breaking down the fat membranes underneath the skin.

This is achieved through injections consisting of proteins, vitamins, hormones, and enzymes, as well as extracts from plants, that aim to rejuvenate and tighten the skin and eliminate fat. [27]

  • Mesotherapy is a popular cosmetic procedure
  • It dissolves the fat membranes
  • The injections are a combination of vitamins, proteins, hormones, and enzymes

Even though it was originally developed back in the 50s as a method for pain reduction, it’s nowadays used for numerous purposes, including cellulite reduction.

The injections improve the blood flow and decrease inflammation that’s damaging the skin.

The solution used depends on the doctors.

Generally speaking, a session of mesotherapy can range from $250 to $600.  The possible bleeding and bruising from the procedure is usually addressed with NSAIDs.


This method is often the last resort when all else has failed or when you’re unsatisfied with the results from other methods.

It may also be recommendable with people who’re overweight or obese and have a high BMI. [28]

Laser-assisted liposuction is done with a local anesthesia and it includes the insertion of small laser fiber underneath the skin which melts the fat and then it suctions it out.

The procedure lasts around 120 minutes. There will be soreness that you’ll experience several days afterwards, but it can be reduced using NSAIDs.

  • Last resort for cellulite
  • Done under local anesthesia
  • Procedure lasts around 2 hours

However, though it does provide good results with only one session, it’s not something everyone is able to afford- it costs around $5,000.

Moreover, it still isn’t a long-term solution- the results last usually several years and eventually, another liposuction procedure may be necessary.

8. Useful Supplements for Cellulite Reduction

Bioactive collagen peptides

A lot of manufacturers promote supplements like ginkgo biloba, caffeine extract, and grape seeds as useful for cellulite reduction.

They’re made by breaking down collagen fibrils into smaller chains of collagen, i.e. peptides.

These are usable collagen peptides which get absorbed into the blood and penetrate into the dermis easier.

And, according to some research, specific bioactive collagen peptide supplements may be of aid in some individuals dealing with cellulite and a higher BMI. [29]

  • Ginkgo biloba, grape seeds, and caffeine extract are  the most popular
  • Bioactive collagen peptides may lower cellulite
  • Collagen peptides may help thicken up the skin

According to a study from 2015, women with moderate cellulite who took bioactive collagen peptides on a daily basis for half a year experienced thicker skin and lower cellulite.

Collagen peptides in supplement form may help as cellulite is known to damage the collagen network in the body by repairing them and boosting the metabolism in the cells.

This is vital as our skin is 80 percent collagen and after the age of 30, we begin losing 1 to 2 percent of it per year which further leads to thinner skin.

Self tanners

This is a good cost-effective temporary means to lower cellulite’s visibility. [30]

Namely, cellulite is less visible if you have a darker skin tone. Avoid excessive sun exposure because of the higher risk of wrinkled skin and skin cancer!

Instead, opt for a self-tanning product or get a spray tan at a salon. This can boost the skin’s tone and offer a slimming effect.

  • Self-tanners are suitable for people with different BMI
  • Cellulite is less visible when the skin tone is darker
  • Mousse self-tanners are easy to apply & effective

Choose a quality product that will provide a visually darker color from the first application.

Choose the mousse products that also have peptides and aloe vera- they’ll build collagen and retain moisture, accordingly.

Body wrapping

Body wraps are available in spas or for home treatment of cellulite.

The procedure includes wrapping the impacted areas in bandage-like products that have been previously soaked in compounds that contain vitamins, minerals, and herbs.

A lot of body wraps claim to help reduce 6 to 20 inches from different body areas and to speed up the removal of waste that emphasizes the cellulite.

  • Body wraps are a quick solution
  • Short-term effects
  • Available for at home treatment or at a spa

In some cases, they can be very effective in the shrinkage; however, this doesn’t necessarily mean you are getting rid of the cellulite for good. [31]

They’re a quick fix and the results from it will slowly diminish. The temporary shrinking in the hips and waist happens because of the loss of water, not necessarily fat.

Plus, wraps work by removal of toxins and as we already know, cellulite isn’t caused by surplus toxins, but it rather has to do with genetics, diet, physical activity, age, and hormones.

Compression Garments

Compression garments, that is, leggings are promoted for their cellulite-reducing ability.

According to claims, the compression tech micro-massages the cellulite away and can actually help lower the dimples’ visibility by 20 percent. [32]

  • The effects is short-term
  • They micro-massage the cellulite
  • Have to be worn 8 hours per day

It can also help reduce 2 inches from the buttock and thighs area.

But, most of these compression garments have to be worn 8 hours per day for a period of 8 weeks.

However, according to experts, they’re not a magic bullet and many are skeptical that users will be pleased by the results in the long run.

The short-term effects last only for several hours since there’s no actual remodeling of the underneath-the-skin structure which does play a role in the cellulite presence.

Weight loss pills

Losing weight or a balanced BMI may be a helpful tool for reducing the annoying cellulite, or at least, it will help make it less noticeable.

But, weight loss isn’t easy and it requires a lot of dedication, effort, and of course, the right methods.

Even though a healthy and balanced diet and a regular exercise are the two key elements to a successful and sustainable shedding of pounds, sometimes, we may also need additional means.

  • Weight loss pills may indirectly help with cellulite reduction
  • Some weight loss pills helps us reach weight loss goals faster
  • Weight loss pills may reduce the appetite

Namely, there are a lot of people who reach out for weight loss pills in order to speed up their weight loss, improve the results, and reduce overeating and minimize their calorie intake. [33]

To this extent, although they don’t directly impact cellulite, weight loss pills can be potential tools for fighting it off.

If you decide to try them out for weight loss and cellulite reduction, make sure you only opt for ones recommended by your physician or a certified dietician.

Avoid choosing brands that come from non-reputable companies or weight loss pills that promise too much, yet are full of bad ingredients and have negative reviews!

Final Thoughts

Although many people (mostly women), think they’re the only ones affected by annoying cellulite, this isn’t really the case.

In fact, cellulite is more common and natural than we think and it happens to 80 and 90 percent of women at a specific point in their lives.

And, it’s not something that we only see in women with a higher BMI- it can happen to anyone, regardless of their weight because of the numerous factors that play a role.

Some of these factors are genetics, hormones, diet, lifestyle habits, etc.

However, regardless of why, how, and when we deal with cellulite, it’s definitely something that can diminish our self esteem as it appears in visible body parts like the hips, thighs, buttocks, and belly.

Therefore, we start searching for the best method to get rid of this annoying cosmetic problem (it’s not an indication of a health issue!). When doing this, we first need to learn some important things like contributing factors and then try and improve the ones that we can.

Afterwards, it’s vital to realize the importance of a healthy and balanced diet and regular exercise and practice them.

There are also several cosmetic procedures and natural methods that people commonly use when trying to reduce cellulite’s visibility.

We discussed some of the most popular ones, their pros and cons, as well as their prices, availability, and why it may be a viable choice for your specific cellulite problem.

Reference sites:

  1. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/cellulite
  2. https://www.healthline.com/health/how-to-get-rid-of-cellulite-on-thighs#1
  3. https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2017/10/26/can-diet-get-rid-of-cellulite_a_23256252/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFvNo5dvCtVVKBCkMCpMj9bKnxnYFGASoyq2HoBEEz_oeX8CbigTlc361l3lHbkZXwNFXExXoMKDJ_NmMyJ6r5S7mnTQe2X2jro8iW-gwdtGtLY46ekkIOZEcQbIi_DBZJqKEy42YtA_RBULyRwYO17JcUsw9C2TdvzlB-znNW-E
  4. https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/features/are-there-exercises-to-get-rid-of-cellulite
  5. https://www.gaiam.com/blogs/discover/5-cellulite-blasting-exercises
  6. https://www.medicinenet.com/cellulite/article.htm#what_are_treatments_for_cellulite
  7. https://people.com/bodies/foam-rolling-can-help-reduce-appearance-of-cellulite/
  8. https://www.byrdie.com/cupping-for-cellulite
  9. https://www.healthline.com/health/essential-oils-for-cellulite
  10. https://www.redbookmag.com/beauty/makeup-skincare/tips/g564/how-to-get-rid-of-cellulite/
  11. https://www.healthline.com/health/cellfina
  12. http://www.cellulaze.com/about-cellulaze/how-cellulaze-works/
  13. https://www.aad.org/public/cosmetic/fat-removal/cellulite-treatments-what-really-works
  14. http://www.clydeinjuryclinic.co.uk/acoustic-wave-therapy/
  15. https://www.healthline.com/health/mesotherapy
  16. https://www.nutritionaloutlook.com/beauty/collagen-peptides-reduce-cellulite-women
  17. https://www.newbeauty.com/hottopic/slideshow/2665-get-rid-of-cellulite/5/
  18. https://www.leaf.tv/5297331/can-you-get-rid-of-cellulite-with-a-body-wrap/
  19. https://www.self.com/story/can-leggings-fight-cellulite
  20. https://www.webmd.com/diet/obesity/weight-loss-prescription-weight-loss-medicine#1





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