Listed: 6 Best Fat Burning Foods for Women

Women, are you struggling to lose weight? No matter what you eat, you can’t seem to lower your BMI? We’re here to help. Did you know that there are fat burning foods you can eat that may help you lower your BMI and lose weight more quickly?…

Sleep Disorders: 5 Possible Causes

If you have trouble sleeping, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that about 30% of the world’s population suffers from sleep disorders! And did you know that a lack of sleep can impact your BMI? So what causes this? Why are so many people…

10 Simple Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

Your metabolic rate plays a large part in maintaining a healthy BMI. A slow metabolism can mean slower weight loss, while speeding up your metabolic rate can help you lose more quickly. Some people naturally lose quickly, while others need…