List: 8 Natural Laxatives Foods

Everybody poops. It’s just a fact of life. It’s an important part of your body’s health – and lowering your BMI. So what do you do when you’re not pooping like you should? Well, there are natural laxative foods that can help you pass that…

8 Signs of Fatty Liver Disease: Watch Out

Admit it, you like to drink. Whether it’s celebrating your birthday or someone else’s, promotion, or whatever success in life, alcohol will always be present. In fact, 86.3 percent of Americans 18 years old and above drank alcohol at one…

10 Early Signs & Symptoms of Arthritis

You heard about it from your grandparents. At times, you hear your mom complain about joint pains. Does this mean you are a candidate of arthritis, too? Possibly. According to the CDC, an estimated 54.4 million Americans have…